Enostavne račune smo v celoti prenovili in preselili na nov naslov https://getapollo.io. Vabimo vas da si pogledate nov program.
Obstoječi uporabniki ste bili preseljeni na nov sistem skupaj z vašimi podatki, o tem je bilo poslano tudi obvestilo po e-pošti. V kolikor obvestila niste prejeli poglejte v predal za nezaželjeno (spam) pošto ali pa nas kontaktirajte na podpora@getapollo.io.
Enostavne račune bo mogoče uporabljati v polni kapaciteti samo še do konca februarja, za tem pa bodo arhivirani.
In this text the word "cookie" is used for cookies and other similar technologies which are related to EU cookie law.
An HTTP cookie (also called web cookie, Internet cookie, browser cookie or simply cookie) is a small piece of data sent from a website and stored in the user's web browser while the user is browsing. Cookies were designed to be a reliable mechanism for websites to remember stateful information or to record the user's browsing activity.
This site uses Google Analytics which uses cookies. We store data about browsing patterns. If you choose not to allow Analytics cookies no data will be stored.
We don't collect any personal data using cookies, but if you still wish to change your cookie preference for our site please click the "Privacy" link displayed on the bottom of our site.
In case of questions please contact us at podpora(a)enostavni-racuni.eu